Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Self-Love First! Many of us who have experienced countless disappointing love affairs or for whatever reason are unattached at this time of year, tend to cringe as the dreaded day of February 14 approaches.
When faced with these circumstances myself some years ago, I got into the habit of extending Valentine’s Day love to family and friends which gave me a lot of joy, but I gave little thought to celebrating ME.
As the years have rolled on, and my personal development journey through spiritual seeking, NLP and Positive Intelligence has deepened, one of the truths I have come to recognize is that a deep abiding unconditional love of Self is a vital foundation for every kind of success in life.
To avoid self-sabotaging and experience deeply satisfying relationships of whatever kind, we must first fill our cup from our own well of unconditional love so that we are able to extend this grace to others. To be clear, I am NOT speaking here of egotistic, selfish emotions which are rooted in our insecurities and unrealistic expectations of others in order to feel validated.
Instead, this is a Sage love of Self, born of compassion and appreciation for who we truly are, warts and all. It’s demonstrated by making time for self-care and quiet enjoyment of the simple pleasures; by refusing to add more to our already full plate when asked to ‘just do one thing more’; by forgiving ourselves for not hitting the mark and seeing the gift and opportunity in those difficult moments.
And, the wonderful news is that as you follow the pathway of the Sage, it leads you to greater ease and flow, better decisions and outcomes, and, to connect with other like-minded individuals. (and, who knows what might happen…SMILE!!!)
If you are ready to accelerate your own journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, I invite you to join me in the Positive Intelligence From Saboteur to Sage Foundational 8-week Coaching programme which starts on February 24. Contact me right away to find out more and book your spot as spaces are limited.