Ever since I can remember I have observed the quality of the customer experience in Jamaica and wondered how to fix it. Perhaps you have had the same thought yourself and have felt the brunt of frustration, disappointment or downright anger when faced with representatives who do not seem to care and are sometimes rude or even hostile when confronted with a problem. Perhaps, as a company director or owner you have also felt a mix of overwhelm, irritation and failure when grappling with recurring complaints despite your best efforts to address the never ending stream of customer complaints.
And, if that were not bad enough, your organization may be also be suffering from one or more of these maladies:
- Drop in sales and an increase in customers who are leaving
- High levels of customer acquisition, but low levels of customer retention
- None or very few referrals
- Low levels of employee satisfaction, engagement and productivity
- Increasing service delivery costs
We can blame the economy or our socio-cultural environment, but the truth is, there is a way to get to the root of the problem and to address it. But, it does take awareness and a commitment to follow a comprehensive strategy instead of dealing superficially with the issues. After all, how much is the loss of a customer worth to you, much less the many that may never return (or purchase from you) due to poor service? And, what about the drift of valuable employees? How does that affect your bottom-line?
A key component of our strategy is to tackle training from the inside out. Since we project on to our relationships how we really feel about ourselves, then this approach really does make sense. Empowered employees who are self-aware, who have positive self-talk, know how to manage their state with high levels of self-belief, generally will be better performers wherever they are placed. NLP is the best known discipline to build the required foundation and skills.
To this end, it is with much delight and excitement that I announce that I have partnered with the leading Sales Training company in Jamaica and the Caribbean, Think, Grow, Lead (TGL) to bring new, fresh solutions to organizations here and in the region. It’s a marriage that augurs well for our Service-based economies, and of course, for individuals and businesses who want to be on the leading edge. Check out the launch of the partnership here:
I look forward to helping you realize the full potential of your business by Transforming the Customer Experience and Impacting the Bottom-line. For more information and to book a Discovery Session, contact me at 876-556-5177, email me at nlptrainingjamaica@gmail.com.