I recently read an article posted by a colleague which spoke about how to shift from being a manager to being a leader (which in case you didn’t realize, is a totally different role). The article written by Sara Canaday, Leadership Keynote Speaker and Executive Coach, mentioned three practical steps towards making the leap from manager to leader. Here they are in summary:
1) Enhance your personal growth
2) Expand your perspectives
3) Energize people and relationships
While reading the article I made an instant association with the powerful and transformative techniques I have learnt as an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) Trainer and Coach.
So how does NLP enhance your personal growth? Based on models of human excellence developed in the early 1970s, NLP teaches you how your mind works (and not just your conscious mind, but your unconscious, largely unexplored mind as well) and how you can, through this knowledge, change your thinking, your feelings, your behaviour and your results! In other words, effectively use your mind to more fully express your potential in every area of your life – to bring out the leader in you!
NLP allows you to expand your perspectives because it gives you tools to challenge your current model of the world, enhancing your critical thinking as well as your creative and more abstract abilities. It helps you to look at the future through a more strategic and innovative lens, while simultaneously keeping you grounded in the realities of the moment. Known as the “GPS for Goal Setting” NLP provides you with techniques to set and achieve both short and long range goals.
Finally, one of the most important features of NLP is that it gives you the ability to energize (or, re-energize) people and relationships. The ‘linguistic’ in NLP of course means ‘language’ and the ability to use all aspects of it to enhance relationships, firstly with ourselves and then everyone with whom we interact. To be a leader, you have to have followers – and you do that by communicating inspirational messages, being able to model the behaviour you want in others, building instant rapport, developing sensory acuity so that you can change how you are relating, whenever you need to.
My friends, this is the power of NLP! If you want to be a transformational leader, I invite you to come on a journey with me to discover the hidden potentials of your mind!
From August 13-27, 2017 I will be hosting in Kingston, Jamaica, Mark and Nicky Taylor of the Taylored Life Company, UK. They will be presenting for the first time in Jamaica, the NLP Master Practitioner Certification programme.
Contact me at nlptrainingjamaica@gmail.com or call me at 876-556-5177 for more information and to register. Book early as space is limited!