From a sales perspective, you always start by finding the need that your product or service will fill. Often in our effort to make the sale, we lose sight of the fact that building rapport is the first step in being able to positively influence potential buyer in an ethical way for a win-win outcome.
In our NLP Practitioner Certification course we teach people how to acutely develop their observational skills, otherwise called Sensory Acuity. Why? Because human behavior, reflected in body language, words and tone of voice we use, are keys to developing rapid rapport with another person. Essentially, people like people who are like themselves, so if we can observe body language, words and tone of voice and match and mirror these subtly, then the other person will very quickly fall into step with us, with the following proviso – AS LONG AS WE DO THIS OUTSIDE OF THEIR CONSCIOUS AWARENESS!
Actually the development of rapport is a very natural process and we do it all the time with persons with whom we have developed a good relationship. Next time you are in conversation with a friend, just pay attention to how much you are both standing, sitting or moving in similar ways! Perhaps even using similar words and tone!
This happens at an unconscious level because humans and some animals, like monkeys and dolphins, have mirror neurons. A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. The neuron “mirrors” the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting.
So, how do we use this knowledge to develop rapport more consciously so we can use it to improve our relationships and achieve win-win outcomes for both parties? Here are three tips:
Preparation: One technique is to visualize and think about someone with whom you have a good, positive relationship, like for example, a colleague or friend whose company you enjoy. Take a moment to think about your last interaction with them and really feel the positive feeling of that interaction. It’s important that you really put yourself in this frame of mind.
As you approach your prospective client, bring to mind the positive feelings and interaction from the past and greet your prospect with the same level of warmth and positive intent that you would greet your colleague or friend. (Additionally, you could anchor the initial positive feeling and then set off the anchor you have created when required). You will find that the conversation will be much more congenial and the outcome of the discussion more positive.
Matching and Mirroring: The second technique involves use of observation skills and the ability to match and mirror your prospect in such a way that he or she does not notice, otherwise it will rapidly break any rapport you have already built!
There are all kinds of ways you can do this so that it is done outside of his/her conscious awareness – use of similar gestures and tone of voice which your prospect used while you are speaking, adjusting your posture or facial expression to match theirs while they are speaking, noticing key words or phrases that he/she uses and appropriately inserting them in your language.
This takes practice and I recommend trying this out with someone you know first, without telling them what you are doing! See if they notice what you are doing and adjust accordingly.
Flexibility: Finally, rapport-building involves being acutely aware of your client’s comfort level and making sure you are responsive to whether he/she, for example, has a time limit, has another pressing problem, or maybe wants the big picture rather than specific details, and providing the appropriate response. Developing your flexibility means you are not constrained by a sales script and have the ability to notice when things are not going right and to course correct as required.
To learn more about how you can change your thinking, feelings and behavior to get the results you want, contact:
Elizabeth Terry
NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis Trainer and Master Coach
Flow Consultant, Entrepreneur’s Institute
Call/Whatsapp: 876-556-5177