NLP is known as the GPS for goal setting and there are good reasons for this. Knowing how to set a goal so you can actually achieve it is a critical first step in this regard. The founders of NLP, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, distilled key principles and techniques from many years of studying and modelling excellent examples of how to ensure the best possible results. Although some persons have learned these skills, many are still frustrated and fearful about goal-setting. Here are four tips to help you lose your anxiety and build your mind-muscles so you can get it right without the stress.

The first step is to get very clear on what it is you really want. Many of us know more precisely what we DON’T want but have not spent sufficient time and energy really pinpointing what we want to achieve. I suggest that in deciding what that goal should be, you take inspiration from your passions and values and create a goal that incorporates both these very important elements. In this way, you will be in better position to ‘stay the course’ when challenges arise and you will be much more fulfilled when you actually achieve your desired outcomes.

The second step is to state the goal in specific, positive terms as though it has already been achieved. For example, a goal to simply clear your debts, while having a positive intent, keeps you focused on your debts instead of generating income. Additionally, it is likely that with a goal like this, if you do make money, you will only generate sufficient money to clear your debts, and not a cent more! Therefore, restating your goal to say that you have developed 2 income streams to achieve an income generation target of JA$1 million dollars per month by June 2020 will meet the required criteria for this step.

The third step is state your goal in sensory terms – that is, engage all of your senses and write down what you will see, hear and feel when you will have achieved your goal. If this sounds very airy fairy, you might be wondering what is the purpose of doing this? This is a key aspect of effective goal writing as the full involvement of your senses ensures that in the NOW you are fully experiencing what it will be like to achieve your goal. In other words, you are creating your future self by ‘feeling’ your way into having your goal in the present! This has a positive effect on two levels – firstly, by following the Law of Attraction which says things of like energy are drawn together, having the experience of your goal in the current time and space, literally helps to draw forth the energy of your desired manifestation. Secondly, your mind and body cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and a sensory-based imagined experience (fully imagine all aspects of sucking on a lime and feel the reaction of your salivary glands!!) Therefore, by using your senses to experience your goal in the NOW, at an unconscious level, you are developing the required neurological wiring in your brain circuitry for experiencing your desired goal. Basically, you are training your mind for your goal! (think ‘mind gym’!). This helps to increase your level of motivation and the anticipation of the event taking place, which has the added benefit of keeping you focused on what you have to do at a physical level to aid in the achievement of your goal.

Finally, run a quality check to make sure that your goal is ecological and will not negatively impact any area of your life. You can ask yourself these questions: Is your goal right in all circumstances of your life? What will you lose if you achieve your goal? What will you gain if you achieve it? How will this goal impact your relationships?

So, there you have it. Now, having completed these mind-strength training exercises you can leave your fear and frustration behind and set your goals for 2020 confidently. Happy mind-gyming and achieving!

Until next time, keep positive!


Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach and Flow Consultant and Mentor with the Entrepreneur’s Institute


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