Today I was reading an article about a fellow who went from winning a lottery prize of US $19 Million to eventually robbing a bank some years later! Not only did he end up losing all his winnings, he became a drug addict and was eventually put behind bars to pay for his foray into crime!
You might well ask how does this happen? It is now an established fact that often persons who suddenly receive large sums of money without the self-identity, values and beliefs (i.e. mind-set) to support their new found wealth, eventually lose it! Sometimes literally!
So, I decided to give you a few tips just in case you happen to hit the jackpot 🙂 or, perhaps more probably, are taking steps to build your income!
-  The first thing you have to realize is that the money-mind set requires you to be ‘at cause’ – meaning you need to take full responsibility for wherever you are now on the spectrum of between poor and rich at this moment! Your financial state matches your mental state! The sum total of your consistent thought and emotional patterns have resulted in your current reality – a mere reflection of your past! Rather than beat yourself up for your what you are now experiencing, focus on changing your patterns and strategies so that you can create a better reality for yourself!
- One of the key factors in the ability to make money are your beliefs! Examine your beliefs about money, especially the ones passed down to you from your parents and family, like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, ‘money is the root of all evil’ and ‘its easier for camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get through the gates of heaven’. You know them! Reflect on each one and see if it has served you well. If not, visualize them as weeds in your garden and uproot every single one of them. Then set out the new beliefs you want to encourage. Visualize planting each one in the empty spaces. Admire your new garden, water and nurture it. Every time your negative belief starts to comes up, pull it up immediately and replace it with your new belief – make sure you feel how good the new belief feels!
- Make a decision that you will do whatever it takes (ensuring alignment to your values and moral standards) to attain your goal of making MONEY! It must be something that you are ABSOLUTELY committed to doing; not half-heartedly, not maybe committed one day and perhaps not so much the next! It must be something that you are passionate about and will be willing and able to go after for the long haul! Remember, you may have to navigate obstacles, but if you are really decided, you will keep focused on your goal despite any difficulties along the way. Passion is critical to staying the course and ensuring that the end result will be something that not only fills your bank account but gives you joy!
I hope these helped you to feel a little more at peace with your money and a bit more prepared to make (and keep!) your millions!
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Elizabeth Terry
NLP, Time Line Therapy(R), Hypnosis and Coach Trainer, and Master Coach