If not, you are not alone! A lot of people have a problem getting and keeping their motivation consistently high enough to achieve the results they want, whether that is attaining their desired health goals or creating wealth! Do you connect with this in any way?
Everyone has a strategy for getting motivated. Some people get motivated only when things get so bad that the pain of that experience pushes them to do something about it. For example, when you discover you have zero dollars in the bank to pay your overdue mortgage!
Others get motivated by the dream of living their purpose, passion and giving back to others – in other words, they are enticed by imagining a future that is filled with attaining goals often facilitated by their financial wealth.
For some, it’s a combination of both a little (or lot of) pain and as well as pleasure. However, evidence has proven that although an extremely difficult situation can work to literally get you off your butt, often as soon as you get far enough away from the crisis, you slide back into your old ways and then beat up on yourself for not following through! (for example, not saving the dollars you committed to saving weekly or paying down that extra amount on the credit card debt). Does this sound familiar?
So, here are a few tips to get you going in the right direction:
- Start with a motivation strategy that takes into account your pain or pleasure preference – if you are normally motivated by the unbearable pain of a current situation, (eg. Your debt or lack) then it’s ok for your first step to be triggered by this. Of course, if you are led by the carrot of your future dreams, you can use this for your push-start. BUT, be sure that all other thoughts, feelings and actions thereafter are directed TOWARD your sought after goals.
- Use your five senses to create a compelling internal representation of your future. I cannot overemphasize the importance of tapping into all your good feelings about what you are after, and allowing yourself to be really buoyed by the experience of living that future as if it is happening right NOW. It is so easy to be distracted by the existing conditions of our life and to get sucked into the black hole and take refuge there. It takes dedicated practice and self-awareness to turn your attention AWAY FROM the current reality and to FOCUS instead on where you want to go, allowing yourself to be inspired into action by those feelings.
- Find and use your flow. You create wealth by creating FLOW. You do this for yourself naturally when you ‘get into your zone’ and literally become so engrossed in what you are doing that you lose track of time! Can you imagine spending the majority of your working hours actually doing what you love and do well? Therefore,to get and keep your motivation for creating wealth, you need to recognize your personal strengths and talents and leverage those for greater momentum! We all have gifts and talents and the majority of us are not fully aware of our personality archetype and how to use this to create products and services that simultaneously fill market-place or organizational needs while maximizing our potential.
Taking a job or starting a business simply to fulfill immediate cash flow requirements will only take you so far down the road to your wealth goals. While this may be a necessary short term step to get you out of debt, developing a successful, sustainable longer-term wealth creation plan must be built on a motivation strategy towards your goals which make you feel good as you leverage your talents and strengths to create your flow!
If you would like to discover more about how to tap into your flow and consistently make strides towards your goals, then check out my coaching and training offerings, including my upcoming NLP Practitioner Certification programme, June 20-21 & 24-29, 2019.
I look forward to working with you!
Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach and Flow Consultant with the Entrepreneur’s Institute
Call or Whatsapp: 876-556-5177
Instagram: @ nlptrainingjam
Twitter: @ nlptrainingja