There’s an increasing global trend that shows that persons are putting more and more value on living their passions and purpose to ensure their own personal fulfillment as well as to impact the lives of others who benefit from their products and services. Interestingly, the World Happiness Report published in 2015 indicates that spending power is the number one predictor of happiness so just following our purpose with no financial rewards will quickly reduce our chances of living a happy life.

Therefore, step one is to discover the ‘sweet spot’ where your Passion, Purpose, Skills and Expertise intersect with Market Needs – without customers who want your products/services, you clearly don’t have a viable business. In Japan this sweet spot is called your “Ikigai”. Once you have identified it, then you need to learn how to create your wealth using your greatest, freely available resource, your mind and brains! Most of us severely under-utilize it and under-invest in developing this aspect of our selves. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that in today’s world you can achieve business success without the full engagement of your internal resources.

The latest NeuroWisdom[1] tells us that there are four key pillars to Creating Wealth: Desire, Decisions, Creativity and Self-Awareness. The first thing that we need to do is to turn on the motivation drive (our motivation and reward circuit), and we do this by thinking about our Desires and the things that give us pleasure. This releases dopamine which wakes up our brain and sends messages to our Prefrontal Cortex where our decisions and goals are made. So what this means is that our desires, our passions and our purpose serve as an engine to get us going in the right direction to take action! You can imagine what happens to our decision-making and goal-setting process when we are ‘just doing it for the money’ or if the money and the making of it does not give us that super-charge! This is why it is so difficult to keep going in a job or business that we do not like!

In the PreFrontal Cortex, the Decision-Making Centre, once the goal is made, our brain starts to get busy with seeing how best it can make the goal a reality. Here the unconscious mind is engaged in sorting through memories to come up with behaviours and beliefs that will help you achieve your objective.

But after a while of intense focus, your brain begins to tire and your mind begins to wander….remember when your teacher in school used to shout out your name to get your attention as you were daydreaming looking out the window? Really, science is now telling us that this is a normal, productive activity so long as we don’t daydream for too long! According to NeuroWisdom, to maintain peak performance, you should deliberately take a break every 30 to 60 minutes to engage in some pleasurable activity! You should plan to shift between focused activity and constructive daydreaming to keep stress low and productivity high. This is the third pillar for creating wealth – Creativity!

The next pillar is that of Awareness – awareness of self and others! Self-knowledge and Empathy skills are an important part of creating wealth since the absence of these skills can negatively affect both the decisions we make and our ability to create healthy relationships at home and at work. Because this aspect of our minds can take decades to develop, it is extremely useful to know that a practice known as ‘mindfulness’, when practiced daily, has the ability to speed up the process of Self and Social Awareness. Mindfulness is a sort of brief meditation that brings us fully into the present moment, creating a deep sense of relaxation.

So, there you have it! In summary, here are four keys to Creating Wealth!

  1. Find the sweet spot where your Passion, Purpose, Skills/Expertise intersects with Market Needs
  2. Turn on your Motivation Reward circuit by spending time focusing on your passion, purpose and vision for your business/life
  3. During the work day, take constructive 2-5-minute hourly daydreaming breaks and do something pleasurable.
  4. Practice daily mindfulness exercises to develop greater Self Knowledge and Social Awareness. You will find you become more relaxed and non-judgmental of your thoughts and situations and will have more ‘aha’ experiences which can assist you in achieving your goals!

[1] NeuroWisdom – The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness and Success, Mark Robert Waldman and Chris Manning PhD.

Remember to check out my Coaching and Training programmes, including my NLP Practitioner Certification course which starts September 29, and ask me about Customized NLP infused Management and Staff Training programmes to turn up your productivity and results!

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Have a super-charged week!


Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach and Flow Consultant and Mentor with the Entrepreneur’s Institute


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