The foundation of effective leadership lies in the ability to cultivate and use positive intelligence as a leader and to encourage the use of it within the team. This involves developing a mindset that promotes optimism, resilience, and adaptability. Leaders who work on strengthening their own positive intelligence can inspire their teams to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, which results in a more innovative and agile workforce.

Leaders must, of course, model the behaviour they want their team members to adopt. Here are some steps that are recommended to move from a “command and control” style of leadership to one which balances facilitation and inspiration with direction and authority.

  1. Defining a Triple-Purpose Vision

Leadership transcends the pursuit of profit by defining a vision with their team that captures a triple purpose: social, economic, and personal. It must take into account impact on (1) self as a Leader – continuous learning, self-reflection, and setting higher benchmarks for oneself to ensure that you stay ahead of the curve and inspire your teams to do the same. (2) Impact on others – this includes consideration of the impact of the business on employees within as well as stakeholders external to the organization, and finally, (3) Impact on customers – prioritize understanding customer needs and preferences lay the groundwork for experiences that not only meet but exceed expectations.

A vision that aligns with these three factors not only motivates the team, but also resonates with customers and stakeholders. This triple-purpose vision serves as a guiding star that helps the team make cohesive decisions and drives the organization’s success.

  1. Unlocking the Secrets to Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational leadership is rooted in the ability to connect with team members on a personal level. Demonstrating empathy, being transparent, and communicating with vulnerability and authenticity are crucial ingredients for leaders who want to inspire. By revealing their humanity, leaders can build trust and motivate their teams to achieve their full potential.

  1. Energizing Teams through Strategic Motivation

To energize teams, leaders must understand the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that drive each individual. Strategic motivation involves recognizing these unique drivers and leveraging them to propel the team forward. Tailored incentive systems and acknowledging accomplishments fuel the collective energy of the team.

  1. Fostering Organizational Harmony and Cohesion

A harmonious organizational culture is pivotal for cohesive teamwork. Leaders play a key role in fostering an environment where mutual respect, collaboration, and shared goals are at the forefront of team dynamics. This harmony within the organization can significantly enhance productivity and job satisfaction.

  1. Mastering the Art of Influence and Persuasion

Leaders must be adept at the art of influence and persuasion. This skill set is vital to gaining buy-in from team members and stakeholders for various initiatives. Effective leaders persuade through compelling storytelling, logical reasoning, and by understanding their audience’s motivations. This is a vital skillset for leading teams through the dynamic and volatile changes now being experienced.

  1. Navigating the Terrain of Authority and Power

The use of authority and power in leadership must be carefully navigated. It is essential for leaders to know when to assert authority and when to empower team members to make decisions. This balance ensures that while the leader steers the team toward the vision, members also feel valued and invested in the outcome.

  1. Balancing Power Dynamics for Effective Leadership

Balancing power dynamics is crucial for effective leadership. Leaders who maintain an equilibrium between leading and listening, directing and delegating, foster a culture of respect and shared leadership. This balance ensures that the power inherent in the leadership role is exercised judiciously for the benefit of the team and the organization.

Now, on a scale of 1-10 how well are you doing as regards exercising these 7 principles and practices? If you are not yet an 8, it’s time to jump to the next stage of your personal excellence with Positive Intelligence!

#evolutionaryleadership #evolutionaryleader #evolutionaryleaders #consciousleadership

Elizabeth Terry

NLP Trainer/Master Coach

Certified Positive Intelligence Coach