Vision boarding and being clear on your goals is one aspect of developing your personal and business plan, but truthfully, living a life without limits or building a business also involves risk-taking. If you are averse to risk, being a leader in whatever area of your life will be a very difficult path. For some it will feel very much like diving with sharks!

Research has shown that there is a co-relation between your level of self-esteem and your tolerance for risk. Persons with low self-esteem will tend to shy away from risks; they are more loss and regret averse, possibly because they have fewer self-protective resources to deal appropriately with threats[1].

Additionally, persons with low feelings of self-worth will generally suffer from low self-confidence, which can also be caused by lack of competence. Therefore, if you are deficient in either self-belief or required skills for the task at hand, your self-confidence will be low and it will impact your success as a leader or entrepreneur.

That means that apart from motivating yourself with your vision and tracking your progress regarding your goals, you need to build your wealth and well-being muscles by strengthening your self-confidence. Here are a few things you can do right away:

  1. Check out your programming – what beliefs about myself do I hold as true that are not serving me well?For example, do you believe that you are a poor decision-maker? If you identify anything like this, think about the belief you would like instead and search your past for experiences where you have, for instance, made a good decision (I am sure you can find at least one, preferably two or three!). This is now your proof that you have the ability and the inner resources required. Take the time to recall the experience of making that good decision with all your senses and, importantly, feel the positive feelings associated with this positive belief. Now, whenever the old negative belief comes up in your mind, purposefully shift your focus to the new belief and the accompanying feeling. Keep your mind focused here.
  2. If you are “short” on any key areas of competencethat you need to achieve your business or personal goals, then ensure you either enroll in the necessary training, get coaching from a mentor or find a team member or partner who has these skills and get them on board.
  3. If you are an entrepreneur, ensure you really believe in your product or serviceand know exactly what benefits your customers will gain from it. If you are a leader, make sure you are fully on-board with the vision or ideas that you want your team to follow. If you do not feel this sense of certainty yourself, it will be very difficult to achieve your desired results as you will project your uncertainty on to your prospects or team members.
  4. Finally, we live in an age where entrepreneurship is a huge trend and if we are not so inclined, we may take on the idea that we are somehow deficient! Remember, the world could not work without employees, including technicians, managers and leaders!So take heart, you can build your wealth smartly without owning your own business! (just keep listening to Financially Focused!! ☺

To learn more about how you can change your thinking, feelings and behavior to get the results you want, contact:

Elizabeth Terry

NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis Trainer and Master Coach

Flow Consultant, Entrepreneur’s Institute

Call/Whatsapp: 876-556-5177

[1] Self -Esteem as Determinant of Investors’ Risk Tolerance: Mediating Role of Loss Aversion and Regret – Muskaan Arora and Santha Kumari – International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research – Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN-2229-5518