If you think about falling in love with someone, this experience is usually based on a mixture of what is commonly called ‘chemistry’ along with some level of synergy between the values of the two people in question.
There’s a definite similarity with ‘falling in love with wealth creation’!
In every important aspect of our lives, we are driven at an unconscious level by our values. Where we share similar values in our relationships, this usually leads to long-lasting and fulfilling relationships. It’s the same reason that some are able to ‘fall in love’ with wealth creation more easily than others. It’s because of how they value money and financial success. Money seems to be inexplicably drawn to them!
So you may be asking, where do our values come from? We inherit our values (principles or rules by which we live our lives) generally from our parents, early caregivers and our culture. What values did you inherit from your parents about money, and to what extent are they serving you well?
An important aspect of values is that they can be ‘toward’ or ‘away from’ – A person who has grown up in a very poor family might have a strong “away from poverty” value, while another person may have developed an equally strong “towards financial success” value. Although the two values seem similar on the surface, they are not the same as can be attested by the often different behaviours and results that are achieved. Someone motivated towards financial success might be willing to take high risks, whereas someone trying to avoid losing money (staying away from poverty) may act much more conservatively, or fail to take opportunities because of the perceived high stakes (risk of losing money).
If you have ‘away from values’ as concerns financial success or wealth creation (meaning you are driven by a fear of returning to poverty) then it could be difficult for you to really fall in love with wealth creation! You are simply not in tune with the energy of money!
In this case you may need coaching to get rid of the negative emotions that are attached to the ‘away from values’ you have inherited. When you are able to, for example, eliminate the deep-rooted fear of poverty which is causing you to freeze every time there is an opportunity presented, or go into deep depression when an unexpected bill appears, this will reorient your values to become 100% toward’ wealth creation, instead of being driven by fear. This will allow you to truly fall in love with wealth creation and develop a healthy and sustainable relationship with this important aspect of your life.
You can also visit Financially Focused website for tips on wealth creation: www.financiallyfocusedmedia.com
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I look forward to having you on this transformational journey!
Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach and Flow Consultant and Mentor with the Entrepreneur’s Institute
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